Advert Design, Brand Design, Business, Logo Design, Social Media, Web Design

Introducing DesignPlus

By Joe Benson

Hello for the second time in just as many days!

In my previous (and first) blog post for Intuition Design, I briefly mentioned our DesignPlus service and also said it deserves it’s own blog post, so here it is.

Following on from my sentiment on local business and how I think it’s so important to support them, especially in these times of Covid-19, I believe that this service can benefit local businesses immensely because it allows the owners and staff to work on what they’re truly good at, which in most cases is the products or services they provide.

We live in an age where having a website is absolutely essential if you want to compete, but even if you’re capable of the maintenance of said website, not to mention Social Media, running this side of things can be very time-consuming. Especially when doing most other things properly in your business is just as time-consuming.

Here is where our DesignPlus service can help. With it, we are able to offer businesses a fixed monthly cost through three different packages which allow us to take the time of designing and maintaining your website off your hands. We also offer a Social Media design service as part of DesignPlus in the Gold package. In case you didn’t guess; the three packages are Bronze, Silver and Gold and you can view more information about them on the dedicated page for DesignPlus.

Whilst all three packages are great value (every one includes a full website design), we recommend the Silver package because it also includes Graphic Design for your websites and any online Adverts for your business. These elements alone could separate you from your competition. In a good way.

If you don’t need that service, the Bronze package is the lowest cost and still includes a full website design, web hosting, email hosting and more. Then at the other end of the scale, you have the Gold package which includes all the Graphic Design benefits of the Silver package with the addition of purpose-designed Social Media cover photos, profile photos and post-specific designs which could be used to shout about a special offer for example.

The monthly-paid packages offer value for money and also can help with cash flow of your business as you won’t have to pay any lump sum for a full website design, which these days are either astronomically priced, or extremely cheap, but with a huge sacrifice of quality, originality and more.

Whichever of the three DesignPlus packages you go for, I know you will get great value for money and a quality of service which will allow you to truly stand out from your competitors online.

Just with all of our services, I am extremely proud of this one and I hope it can contribute in some way to helping local businesses, who choose to take advantage of it, flourish in a time where it’s really important.

In case you missed it, you can view the DesignPlus page here, browse the packages and see exactly what each one has to offer.

Thanks and once again, stay healthy,



Branding, Local Business, Logo Design, Social Media, Web Design

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